Current Finance Council Members
Don Goetz
Joe Dolniak
Carol Schuster
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic organization that is open to all practicing Catholic men in good standing with the Church 18 years and older. The K of C was founded by the Venerable Michael J. McGivney on February 6, 1882, in New Haven, CT.
The Founding Principles that all Knights follow are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism, with Charity being the greatest. Although only practicing Catholics may join the Knights, our Charily goes out to anyone who may be in need.
Council 14368 meets the first Thursday of the month at St. Cecilia parish hall at 6:00pm. Any Knight or Sir Knight is welcome to attend.
If you have questions about, or are interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, please contact Ed Habrowski at 219-987-5916 or [email protected]
The Ladies' Sodality meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month (except June, July & August) at 5:00 pm in the church hall. The mission of our Sodality is to inspire and support St. Cecilia Parish through our example of prayer and service. All women of the parish are welcome to attend our meetings.